That can present challenges for people who are in recovery from an alcohol or drug addiction. It's especially challenging for people who are new to recovery. Traveling and taking vacations are a regular part of life. As someone in recovery or going through addiction treatment, you should be doing all you can to get back to living a normal life in spite of the fact you need to step carefully to avoid relapses.
Given the possibility that you have been investing time and effort to build safeguards for your life at home, leaving your sanctuary could feel a little scary. As representatives from Hollywood Hills Recovery, we encourage you to seek the freedom to travel where and when you want for whatever reason you might want. To encourage you to do exactly that, we would like to offer you the following tips for traveling while in recovery.
Stay With Your Routine While Away From Home
A big part of staying sober is establishing a routine that keeps one on the short and narrow track of recovery. Hopefully, you have establish a daily routine that comforts you and helps you feel safe. This is an essential self-care practice. While there might be some logistical issues to deal with, you will want to maintain your daily routine as closely as possible. That means eating when you eat, praying when you pray if you pray, exercising when you exercise, and eating what you normally eat when you eat. Staying with your routine will help you stay centered.
Think of Safeguards in Advance
When you go out for your travels, you can never be sure what you are going to encounter. However, there are some steps you can take to assist you is staying sober. Examples would include requesting hotel rooms that come without a minibar. If traveling with others, there would nothing wrong with you reminding them you have a disease of addiction. Armed with that information, they will be able to keep an eye on you and remind you if you are getting too close to the edge of your addictive behaviors.
Put Together Your Recovery Toolbox
In you travel through recovery, you might have had the opportunity to accumulate things that you count on to help you stay focused on sobriety. We are referring to things around you that bring you peace and comfort. It's those little things that can help you remove stress and stay focused on the task at hand, avoiding relapse. Don't forget to take with you any books and pamphlets you might have around about recovery, stay in touch with your support group, don’t go too far outside of your comfort zone if you know it could be triggering, share your travel plans with loved ones, and consider having a travel companion who supports your recovery.
Stay Connected to Your Support Resources
If you are like most people in recovery, you have probably built up a nice support network that you count on to help you avoid your addiction. This might be close friends who know your plight, rehab alumni that went through the recovery process with you, or the 12-Steppers you have been commensurating with in your day-to-day recovery. There is nothing that should prevent you from staying in touch and checking in with your support resources. Make it a point to contact at least three key support resources each day you are away from home. It's called being accountable for your own sobriety.
Relax and Enjoy Your Traveling
As a recovery addiction sufferer, especially one who is new to recovery, there is a good chance you need the opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of your everyday life. A trip or vacation is the perfect time to set aside your stress and enjoy yourself. Spend this time living it up, experiencing new things, and taking care of your mental health. Be bold and try new things if possible as long as it keeps you from using. If you might be traveling for business, you still deserve a little downtime to enjoy something fun. At Hollywood Hills Recovery, we fully support you taking the opportunity to take a break from normal everyday life. If any issues should arise, please feel free to give us a call for help.
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