Far too often, we (collectively) neglect the fact that far too many Americans are suffering every day from depression and other significant mental health issues. Whether we want to recognize it or not, a large population of depression sufferers effectively lowers the quality of life for all of us.
If you are suffering from a mental illness related to depression and anxiety, you are living in the belly of the beast. You know how hard it is to handle your responsibilities as you try to get from one day to the next. At Hollywood Hills Recovery, we understand your suffering. We see it in the lives of the addiction sufferers we treat every day, every month, and every year.
To help shine the spotlight on depression and mental health issues in America, October of every year has been designated as Depression and Mental Health Awareness Month. The following information will focus on the importance of this initiative.
The U.S. Mental Health Problem
National Depression and Mental Health Awareness Month is an important initiative because of the depth of the mental health problem in America. Coming out of the horrible COVID-19 pandemic, depression and mental health issues all over the world have deepened. Yes, that's very much true in America where the nation is going through an incredibly unsettling transition. Organizations like the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration aim to raise awareness of the mental health treatment of those who suffer from major depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, and other behavioral health issues.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 21 million Americans reported going through at least one major depression during 2020. Assuming things have only digressed since then, that number has to be nearing 25 million people. That is over 8% of the U.S. population. Here's a list of the depression symptoms that far too many Americans are displaying:
- Feelings of sadness and hopelessness
- Increased irritability and frustration over menial things
- Increased fatigue and reported lack of energy
- Problem with eating and sleeping
- Increased sexual dysfunction
- Increases in suicide and suicide ideology
- Diminished interest in pleasurable activities
What Depression and Mental Health Awareness Month is All About
Given the depth of the mental health conditions in the U.S., it's clear that citizens will need to come together to battle this ongoing problem. Rallying the troops for this endeavor is exactly what the Depression and Mental Health Awareness Month initiative is all about.
The initiative was created in 1980 by The Anxiety and Depression Association of America. The non-profit organization created this initiative to guides observances on behavioral health issues in America. They also created the initiative as a way of sounding the alarm for mental healthcare providers like Hollywood Hills Recovery to participate in finding solutions and offering treatment options.
It would be an understatement to say that this special initiative is important to the welfare of Americans. After all, depression and mental health issues aren't often discussed at home, at work, or in the classroom. For one month (October) each year, we are all given a chance to focus on these issues that permeate our society.
How We Try to Make a Difference
As part of the mental healthcare community, we are heavily invested in treating clients who have significant addiction and mental health issues. To be clear, a large portion of the clients we treat are suffering from symptoms of depression or anxiety. Sometimes, it's their mental health issues that have led them to addictive and harmful behaviors. Suicide prevention is a key point that our mental health professionals aim to reach when dealing with those who suffer from mental health disorders
For our part, we work hard to identify clients who have mental health issues. We then offer therapeutic options and support groups to help them deal with their mental health issues. This October initiative serves to us as a reminder to keep fighting the good fight as well as offering our services to clients, adolescents and older adults alike, who need our help.
How You Can Try to Make a Difference
For people not in the mental healthcare community, awareness of this problem is key. You can participate in Mental Health and Depression Awareness Month in two ways.
For the benefit of loved ones, family members, and the people around you, be aware of the ones who are showing some of the aforementioned signs of depression. When you see someone struggling with their well-being, you can reach out and direct them to mental healthcare professional organizations like Hollywood Hills Recovery. Sharing information about mental health warning signs affords them the opportunity to get the help they need.
For your own benefit, don't allow yourself to suffer from issues like depression and anxiety. You can find the strength to seek the treatment you need.
If we, at Hollywood Hill Recovery, can be of help, please contact us as soon as possible.
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