There is no denying that we are all living in difficult times. As bad as things might be for "normies," it's hard to imagine how difficult life must be for someone who is struggling with addiction or battling to stay sober. That's why we strongly believe that we all need something that will give us hope.
Well, April is officially the "National Month of Hope," and the first Wednesday of April has been deemed the official National Day of Hope. Given how important we feel it is that we all set aside some time to reach out for hope, we would like to tell you about what the National Month of Hope is all about.
The History Behind the National Month of Hope
It hasn't been that long ago that the National Month of hope became a reality. It was in 2018 that a non-profit organization called "Mothers in Crisis" decided the country needed something that creates hope for everyone who is suffering from an addiction or other serious personal issues.
Mother is Crisis was founded in 1991 by Rosalind Tompkins, who intended to create an organization that could support women who are trying to get through drug rehabilitation. It wasn't long after the organization got started that they realized drug and alcohol addiction knows no bounds when it comes to sex, race, or religion. Addiction is and always will be an equal opportunity disease.
It was this drive for Mothers in Crisis to support anyone who needed help that eventually led the group to formally adopt April as the Official National Month of Hope.
What is Hope?
According to Merrian-Webster Dictionary, hope is "to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to happen or be true." While this definition might seem a bit generic, the message is simple. We all need something to look towards to help us get from one day to the next, one month to the next, and one year to the next.
The truth is that most people take the good times in their lives for granted. It's only when things get difficult that they start wanting something better in their lives. You can only imagine how true that is for someone who finds themselves caught up in the cycle of addiction.
In our Hollywood Hills Recovery center, hope is what we offer to anyone who is willing to walk through our front door. We already know they are suffering in some way, shape, or form. It's our job to help them beat back their desire to use drugs/alcohol. We do that by letting them know how bright their futures will be when they can see clearly through their addiction. That's hope. Hope for us is the promise of something better beyond the cycle of addiction.
How to Actively Participate in the National Month of Hope
To be clear, the National Month of Hope wasn't created solely for addiction sufferers. It was created as a reminder to everyone who is struggling in life that hope is a good thing the sun will come up tomorrow.
By us Promoting and celebrating the National Month of Hope, it's our desire to see people remember the good things in life while trying to set aside the things that weigh us down. Remember, things only weigh us down if we have to carry them by ourselves. With a helping hand, the burden is never quite as bad. We can give hope to each other through mutual support.
If you would like to fill your life and the lives of people around you with hope, here are some ways you can help us all celebrate the National Month of Hope:
- Check in on relatives and old friends you have not seen in a while
- Volunteer at a homeless shelter or addiction treatment facility
- Give what you can to those who don't have. Your giving could include your time, food, wisdom, or money.
- Volunteer to participate in a ministry that visits jails and prisons
- Deliver books, games, and snacks to retirement homes. You might even stay for awhile and talk to the interesting residents
- If you have school-age children, participate in their after school activities
- Each day, do one random act of kindness for a stranger who looks to be struggling
- Share your own stories of despair and how you got beyond the abyss
- A simple smile on your face can brighten your little part of the world
If you do get involved in spreading hope, you will find out something you might not have realized in the past. The hope you give to others comes from the hope you feel in your heart and soul for yourself. Yes, you can't afford to get caught up in doing for others while neglecting your own need for hope. We all need hope.
There is one thing of which we want to remind addiction sufferers. As long as you still have a breath of air in your body. there is hope you can beat your addiction. While it requires hard work and dedication, we will make sure you don't have to carry that burden on your own. How do we know that?
For years, we have seen hundreds if not thousands of people come through our doors feeling helpless. By the time they walked back out those same doors, they had hope that they would never come back. They had hope that they could live their lives into the future without having to rely on drugs or alcohol. Hope and recovery are exactly what we are offering during the National Month of Hope.
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